Movies from the 1980s can be especially tough to revisit. You’re sitting there watching this flaming pile of cocaine induced fever dreams and thinking to yourself, “I remember thinking that this was the greatest movie ever made when I was 5 years old (back in the old days, parental guidance, attention, or concern was largely an accident). I was so wrong.” Which brings us to Dragonslayer!
Beginning with one of the most predictable themes in fantasy, the wizard Ulrich chooses to die by violence, and a little magic, because he has foreseen his own death, leaving Galen (Peter MacNichol) as the heir apparent to Ulrich’s powers. Galen is called to kill the dragon that has been killing all the available virgins (why?!) But never fear, Galen will save the virgins by partnering with the next most common theme in 80s movies, the girl disguised as a boy (to avoid the virgin lottery)(male virgins aren’t prized, I suppose.)
I want to hate on this movie, but… it’s just not that bad. The dragon Vermithrax Pejorative is a very ugly badass that Galen really could have killed at any time towards the end, then he gets the girl. And no shade to Peter MacNichol, but he’s not exactly swoon worthy. And fine! He’s a wizard! Not important! (really though it’s kind of important…)
So what’s the worst part of this movie? The acting is decent, the sets are good, the direction isn’t problematic, the dragon is perfect and scary. The answer is… it’s a little slow. That’s all I’ve got. This movie doesn’t suck.
- “This dragon kindof looks like it came from Reign of Fire… “Oh that’s because the model designers were the same guy.
- Shoutout to Dolwyddelan Castle in Wales. I clocked you in about three seconds.